Easton Foundations Cup


2020 Easton Foundations Cup

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The Easton Foundations Cup is an outdoor tournament where archers will get the chance to shoot against athletes across the country at all Easton Foundations Archery Centers. After a combined qualification round, top athletes from each center will go head to head in virtual mixed team matches. This is your chance to compete against top athletes around the country in the comfort of your nearest Easton Foundations Archery Center.


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$30 per person


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Registration Deadline: September 1st, 2020
Event Date: September 5th, 2020
Event Start Time: 9:00 am

Official practice will start at 9:00 am, and will entail 2 ends.

Check-in will open at 8:00 am


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 Bow Divisions

  • Compound: Any sight and written memorandum, hand operated release aid, rear stabilizer may not touch archer

  • Barebow: Finger position can move, Stabilizers are not allowed. Weights can be added directly to the riser.

  • Recurve: Olympic Recurve

Age Divisions

  • Bowmen (Through calendar year of their 12th birthday)

  • Cub (Through calendar year of their 14th birthday)

  • Cadet* (Through calendar year of their 17th birthday)

  • Junior* (Through calendar year of their 20th birthday)

  • Senior* (Any age)

  • Masters (Competition takes place in the year of their 50th birthday and thereafter)




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Qualification Round

The qualification round will consist of 360 outdoor round. Distances and divisions will follow USAA Rules.

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  • Age Classes: Bowmen, Cub, Cadet*, Junior*, Senior*, and Masters

  • Bow Divisions: Compound*, Recurve*, and Barebow

*Classes and Divisions available for team matches

Mixed Team Selection

Teams will be made up of two individuals, the top-ranking female and male athlete in a division/class. If a division is unable to field a full team, eligible archers from another division may fill the opening. Eligible archers…

  • May only “shoot up” into a higher division. e.g. Cadet to Junior, Masters to Senior

  • Can not move divisions if they already qualified for a team spot. e.g. top ranking Cadet

  • Archer must be the next highest ranking athlete. e.g. 2nd place in Cadet moves to fill spot in Junior

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Mixed Team Matches


Each team will shoot 6 arrows at their respective distance and target face, 3 arrows per team member. Each archer will fire one arrow than step back behind the waiting line allowing for their teammate to advance to the shooting line and fire. This will continue until all 6 arrows have been fired. Archers will be given 2 minutes to fire 6 arrows. Archers will be required to stay behind their waiting line until their teammate is back across and arrows must remain in each archers quiver until archers are on the shooting line.

Target faces will be a Hit-Miss style face as pictured. 122cm for Olympic Recurve and 80cm for Compound.

1 point will be awarded for every arrow in the yellow ring. 0 points will be awarded for arrows hitting anywhere else. After all archers have shot, a count of total hits per team will be taken. The team with the lowest number of hits will be penalized a strike. A team is knocked out of the match once they have received two strikes. The match will continue until all, but one team is knocked out. The team that has not been knocked out is our champion.

In the case of a tie for lowest number of hits, both teams will be penalized a strike. In the case of a tie where remaining teams all have 2 strikes, a shoot off will be used to determine the winners. In the case of a shoot off, each archer from each team will fire one arrow and the team with the closest arrow to center will be declared the winner.