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10-Week League w/Changing Formats

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ESLACs Indoor League will be a 10-week league from November 27th to February 12th on Wednesday evenings from 6-8PM. This league will surely be unlike any league you have shot in the past. To mix things up we will be changing formats each week between Vegas 300, 5-spot, and FITA vertical 300 (baby/big x determined by equipment). Archers will be allowed to shoot up to size 27 arrows in all formats. If you are new to this kind of thing we will explain it to you. Whether you are an avid hunter, target shooter, or someone just looking for something to keep your skills honed, join our 10-week indoor league TODAY! There is no League on December 25th and January 1st.



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$90 Pre-Pay -or- $12 Nightly

  • You can pay nightly (no registration now) but space is not guaranteed

  • Priority will be given to those registering for all 10 weeks up front


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NFAA equipment rules, size 27 arrows allowed in all formats 

***No FITA arrow restrictions***


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Wednesday 6-8PM


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Target Ranges

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20 Yards

Register Now

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10-week league, completed consecutively

(will skip December 25th and January 1st)