
Go For The Gold


Concepts & Techniques Used By US Olympic Athletes

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After successful completion of our Basic Archery, an archer’s next step is our Intermediate course. This will be an archers first look into the concepts of technique used by previous and current U.S. Olympic Athletes. This course aims to improve an archers skills and abilities in order to prepare them for where-ever the archer would like to go on their archery journey.



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$120 Per Person


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8 Years of Age or Older


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Provided by Easton Salt Lake Archery Center


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One free hour of range time per week for practice during general public hours


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You must have taken the “Basic Archery” course.


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Youth: Saturday 11:00am-12:30pm
Adult: Tuesday 6:00-7:30pm
(Please be sure to double check class dates upon registration).

Register Now

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6-week course, completed consecutively

Click the button below to register. Click the button below to register. Once the link has opened, under “Archery Classes” click on “Intermediate 1” then choose from the dates listed.